Friday, February 04, 2011


The day got better as it went on, thank goodness!!!  It's now 8:00 pm and I can look back with a better feeling about the day as a whole.  It did not start out well at all, I woke up not feeling well at all at 4:00 a.m. but some parts of that adventure, okay, all parts of it, are best left off my blog.  I finally got back to sleep at 6:30 and slept until about 9:15.  When I got up, my husband said that he thought the kids should not go to the concert with their friends that they had been looking forward to for a long, long time (Winter Jam)  I agreed that they shouldn't go, but it hasn't started snowing yet and if it doesn't some of us are going to be very angry with some meterologists in this area.  So anyway, I took youngest to the doctor and he was very brave getting his tetanus shot.  He's always been my bravest one when it comes to shots.  Then we went to get the prescription filled for an antibiotic in case the place where he punctured his foot gets infected, but I couldn't find my insurance card (again) and so they said that they'd call their sister pharmacy (the one nearer our home that we use all the time) and they said that they didn't have our card either (they do!) so we came home without the prescription.  :-(  When we finally walked in the door, instead of being greeted by 2 unhappy, grouchy teens who didn't get to go out with their friends, we were met by 2 wonderful, happy people who had spent the afternoon making cookies including chocolate chip gluten free ones that are incredible!  I asked where they got the chocolate chips and they said "Dad's secret stash".  I guess that secret is out!  They cut up Hershey bars to make the 'chocolate chips".  Yummy.

1 comment:

  1. Wow....what did he do to puncture his foot? Sorry they had to miss Winter Jam.....that's gonna be in Roanoke here in March, I think. Not sure if any of us will go....since Clay & Jon already did Winterfest at LU for New Year's. How much snow did y'all end up getting?
