Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Fun Day.

I had such a fun day today.  A friend of mine from the homeschool group took me couponing.  We went to 4 stores and she helped me maximize my coupons and gave me some of hers, so that I ended up getting PAID by the stores to purchase over a hundred dollars worth of stuff.  The stores were all Rite Aid drug stores.  We went to 4 of them.  I spent 26 dollars and got back 35 dollars that I will have to spend in Rite Aid stores in the future and came back with a trunk full of stuff.  I love getting bargains!  I took a picture of all the items I bought but I can't find my camera cord, of course, so I can't share it right now.  I'll try and remember to share it later. 

1 comment:

  1. I do the same thing at CVS. I love coming out ahead too :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
