Monday, January 31, 2011

Trying to get things done and making a little progress.

The eight things on my to-do list grew into 9 things overnight.  As of right now, though, 3 are done.  One was kindly done by someone else, and I don't know if that counts, but hey, done is done.  I crossed it off.  I still need to mail some things, take some things to the library, pick up my new contact lenses, mail a return to Amazon and something else ... but I think I'll have them all knocked out by Wednesday.  The ones I did today were the dreaded phone calls and since I have a terrible case of phonophobia (the fear of making phone calls) I am very proud that I got those done first.  I would have gotten more of the things done if I hadn't had to make an unexpected trip this afternoon to deliver a child someplace.  I am starting to think I should charge them for chauffeuring time, with payment back in the same amount of housework.  They'd be doing 3-4 hours a week of housework, I think, between the 3 of them.   (and yes, I did have to look up how to spell chauffeuring.  That's quite a word)

The kids are still doing school. It's math day and day 107 in our homeschool.  Since they are pretty much what we refer to as self-service on their school, I can chill now and watch the Netflix I got in the mail today while they finish up.  They should start earlier in the day like I do and one day, they will realize that.  I think. 

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing that someone else besides me has PHONEPHOBIA! Clay gives me such a hard time because I HATE to make phone calls!! I could SO live without a telephone!
