Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What I'm trying to accomplish today

Is trying to get into a comfortable position but with my neck/shoulder/back spasm that is not an easy task.  I took off work today in the hopes that not typing today (other than this blog post, which is going to be pretty short)  would help the spasm relax.  I debated going to the doctor, but I really don't think there's anything they can do.  Some of the medicines they'd give I can't take.  I did take some pain pills left over from my son's surgery last year and they didn't help, so I'm sitting here with a sock filled with rice on my back and it keep moving it around to different areas since this is such a BIG pain.  Every now and then one of the kids will come get it and microwave it for me so I have a moist heat pack.  Oh I hope tomorrow is better! 

1 comment:

  1. Did you do something that caused this? I have found that my CFS can settle into my muscles and cause this sort of pain. The only thing that helps is rest and some stretching. I pray you feel better.
