Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We've got snow

Again.  I guess, from the news, it seems like everyone has some snow right now.  We did half a day of school and the kids went out and sledded  sleighed, rode their sleds for a little bit.  I decided that I could go ahead and work despite my back pain and that was probably a mistake because it's worse now.  Everything hurts;  moving, breathing, hiccuping and I don't even want to think about sneezing.  My face has even been hurting because I've been walking around with a frown on my face and my jaw clenched because of the pain.  I think that's kind of weird, but I can't seem to help it.  Despite the pain, I've managed to get a few things done including making a big pot of chili.  We got the movie Despicable Me from Netflix today and we may sit down and watch that in a little while.  Our meeting with the homeschool group is again postponed, last week it was the flu and this week it's the snow.  Maybe we'll get to see them next week?

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