Friday, January 14, 2011

Really uneventful week,

well except for the muscle cramps in my shoulder, back and neck.   I went to the doctor today and she's checking my potassium.  I guess I'll find about about that later.  When I came home today, the kids were all working together on their novel writing lesson, watching the DVD and then doing the workbook, all on their, own, unsupervised.  It's actually quite cool to be gone and come home and find them calmly doing their work.  I'm absolutely sure though that my youngest would not do his work if his sister didn't enforce him a bit.  She's 22 months older than he is and the day he was born, she appointed herself to keep him in line.  It has made my job somewhat easier, but I have had to step in and protect him quite a few times because she is way more strict than I am.  There have been times when he's come to me and said that she said he has to do something and does he really have to.  Most of the time, no, but she does come up with some really good ideas as other times. :-P

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