Sunday, January 16, 2011

Needing to plan the next week.

We need to sit down as a family and plan what we are going to do this week.  The original plan was to do a regular week, second full week of school and also hopefully finally get to have our homeschool planning meeting with the group we meet with and do 4H, in other words, back to our normal life.   However, we're also thinking about refinancing our home and if we do that, there are some repairs that we've been procrastinating about and some decluttering that definitely need to be done around here.  I had a plan to do a little of each every week anyway (I always do have something going on like that) but it might be better to take a week off of school and get it all done this week and then next week we can go right on with normal life and the work will be DONE and we can proceed with the refi much sooner.  I need to count the weeks and see when we'd be finished with school if we took this week off.  Let's see.  Hmmm.  Right now we are on target to finish school by May 10 if we do not take the week off and do not take a spring break.  I think we have enough wiggle room.  I'll have to see what everyone else says.   I'm not sure how much I can get done.  My entire upper body still kind of hurts from whatever is going on with my muscles and I am having a hard time even typing this blog post today.  :-(

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