Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I'm enjoying this down-time week.  My husband and I have returned to work, but we're not schooling and we don't really have much of anything (actually, nothing at all!) scheduled until the weekend.  No 4H.  No co-ops.   No group meetings.  I don't mind any of those things and, in fact, like most of them, but it is nice not to have any for a few days.  Next week, we'll be stir crazy and ready to get out and go, I'm sure. 

This is the week I need to be thinking about any new subjects for January.  My daughter has finished spelling and now needs some other kind of language arts instruction.   I need to look into that.  I also 'need' to spend my Christmas gift cards soon.  :-P  


  1. It is nice to not have meetings and appointments. Thanks for all your comments. Have a great rest of the week.


  2. Have you come up with new lang. arts yet? We like the lang. arts from Critical Thinking Company a lot, but I don't know if you were thinking of spending any money.

    What about having her do crossword puzzles or making up her own? That sure seems like vocabulary and spelling all in one.

  3. I haven't looked in to language arts yet at all. :-(

    I need to. I'll look at the Critical Thinking Company. Thanks.
