Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Down, down, down, down, down (doobie do) down time.

We're still not trying to accomplish much of anything this week.  I will have to do regular housecleaning tomorrow and the kids will have to help as usual.  There's no escaping housework.  Our New Years plans have fallen through because of the flu, but we still have one more Christmas party to go to.  After the new year, I'll focus on scheduling all the appointments I need to schedule and making minor changes to the kid's school schedules.  I've ordered myself an exercise DVD with one of my gift cards and I hope to add that into my morning routine.   Meanwhile this week, we're watching videos, playing board games and video games.  Hey, it's Christmas week, that's what you are supposed to do!

1 comment:

  1. We had wonderful down time too. I did put off most of the housework, as a result the place is a pigsty. LOL
