Friday, November 05, 2010


Does it seem to anyone else that Christmas is looming?  How did it get so close?   It seems like it wasn't even in my thoughts at all and now I see Christmas things everywhere I go.  At least they weren't yet playing Christmas music in the grocery store when I was shopping tonight!  I personally would like to see Thanksgiving get a little more attention.  I love Thanksgiving, such a simple and sweet holiday.

Since this is a homeschooling blog basically, I will share that I think the changes to the schedule have worked this week.  They were only slight tweaks and I do feel that they helped us get it all in and now I don't have to feel guilty.  That's always a good thing. 

1 comment:

  1. Holidays impact homeschooling. They belong in your blog! Yes, I also have noticed the looming of Christmas but would rather enjoy Autumn and Thanksgiving.
