Thursday, November 04, 2010

{Insert clever title}

As I have stated before, it is difficult to come up with a blog title when you aren't entirely sure what brilliant, fascinating things you're going to blog about.  And, add to that, if you've been blogging for 6 or so years, and you don't want to repeat titles exactly, it makes it even more difficult.  Still, I  perservere.  keep trying.  I am off work today and that is just a wonderful thing.  We do have a couple of things we need to do in town later, but right now, I'm free; free to take down the garbage, free to clean the house, free to cook.  That's life though.   Freckles is very, very happy because she loves garbage day so much.  She gets to ride in the van, go down to the road and smell things.  And today, I forgot one bag and had to go back down so she got to go twice.  Such joy for a little dog.  She could hardly contain it.  Actually, she didn't contain it.  She ran around in circles with happiness.

School seems to be working okay this week.  I changed it up on the grammar a little to make it easier for them to do it without me, knowing I was going to have to be in and out.  The youngest has been having some trouble passing his Life of Fred end of chapter tests called Bridges and so he's been doing a lot of work on that.  I also put him on some copywork that's  called Boy Scribe that i got from CurrClick.  He has to write one page a day.  Today I checked his work from yesterday and found that all his 6s were reversed.  I'm not sure what to do about it.  We've tried everything it seems.  I secretly think that his occupational therapist had him graduate from therapy because really she had no idea how to address this either.

My haul of books from the library last night was large and contained the sequel to My Side of the Mountain and also a recipe book written by the same author which included things like acorn pancakes and hickory nut pie.  We may have to try one of those.  We sure do have a lot of acorns.   At the library, I also got several cookbooks and I intend to start working on my book again soon.  I haven't worked on it since Sunday.  Please remember to nag  encourage me to work on it in comments throughout this month.  :-D


  1. Thanks for your comments on my blog. I am going to try to get back into my regular blog reading. I'll put you on my blog roll.

  2. Have you tried vision therapy? Dr. Weinberg in Middletown will evaluate and has therapists for this. Helped my Anna.

  3. I need to look into that. I'm writing down the name. Thanks!
