Tuesday, November 09, 2010


I'm free to roam now.  The Commonwealth of Kentucky has generously given me back my driving privileges.   Thankfully, I did not have to pass a driving test.  To celebrate the two younger kids and I went to the library and Walmart, then stopped by Baskin Robbins for dollar scoop night.  Do we know how to celebrate or what?  I actually kind of enjoyed not chauffering them around for a couple of days but I also enjoyed getting back out there.  I guess it was like a vacation, nice to have a break, then nice to get back to normal.


  1. It is amazing to me that they did this to you, but perhaps it is good to see the gift in it.

  2. You celebrate like we do! ;-) So glad you got everything all straightened out. And BTW....loving your new profile pic.
