Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ah, Thursday.

My day off from work.  I love Thursdays exactly the way I used to love Monday when it was my day off.   Today I am going to putter around the house.  I also need to run at least one errand in town, one that I had to put off while I didn't have a driver's license, but that's it.  There are no kid activities tonight.  We may do some board games and have some family time.  I've moved the kid's cooking /home economics class to Thursdays so we'll be doing that today.  I need to figure out what they should cook.  The only thing I ever remember cooking in my 8th grade home economics class in school was brown sugar and cinnamon toast.  Kind of strange choices, I mean, I like them, but they don't really involve much cooking skill, measuring or anything and they're not very healthy.  I read something yesterday that said that some organization (can't remember which) was encouraging families to cook and eat at least one meal a week at home.  Well we are certainly doing better than that!  During my hiatus from cooking or cleaning or basically doing anything, when I was a zombie for several weeks after my Dad passed away in January, we still ate pretty much all of our meals at home ... the kids and my husband just prepared themselves something to eat.  I think they ate more sandwiches during that several week period than anybody should, but they were reasonably healthy sandwiches, prepared at home.

Speaking kind of, of eating out and things like that ... I read an article in an old Family Fun magazine (while at the dentist)  about a family that decided to make small sacrifices and send money to Haiti after the earthquake there.  They'd pass up eating out or getting ice cream and put that money in the Haiti fund.   We're going to do this for the month of November and give some money to World Vision.  I got the catalog from them yesterday in the mail.  We can buy a family in a third world country 2 chickens for 25 dollars and they can have eggs to eat and sell.   I made my first tiny little sacrifice last night.  I was in a store getting dish detergent and I saw those Christmas peppermint sticks I love so much, but I didn't buy them and when I came home, I put a dollar in the fund.  I'm going to put some kind of chart up on the wall to help us keep up with it.  It's not much, but it's just a little extra thing we can do to help others and I think that the month of November, when we are supposed to be thankful for what we have, is a very good month to give to others.  

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