Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Windy day.

We are supposed to have a storm today.  It's already very, very windy.   There are severe storm warnings.  I'm just trying to ignore it all and get my work done.  It's really a shame this isn't happening on Wednesday, so I could say "Happy Windsday" to people.  I miss Winnie the Pooh now that my kids are all big.  I watched a ton of it when my oldest was little.  I also watched a lot of Barney, but I can't really say that I miss him now.  Today, the kids have got dentist appointments today, for the 2 who missed going to the dentist because of aerospace camp and then I'm going to the podiatrist (my foot is better!) and then back to work.   Hopefully, I will be able to travel through this storm and get where I need to go!

1 comment:

  1. Winnie the Pooh can come back when you have grandchildren, though I know that is a ways off :). Hope your travels went well. Most people I know who were out and about found themselves in a basement or storm shelter.
