Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday not Windsday.

It's not windy at all today.  I guess the storm is finished now.  Personally, I didn't find it all that troubling.  I got where I needed to go and did what I needed to do.  It was raining and a little windy.  Apparently, I everywhere I was going, I was missing the main part of the storm.  Several times I saw limbs down as if a more violent storm had just passed through, but was now over.  There was a mix-up with the dentist appointments.  One of us wrote down the wrong time.  I wrote down 1:00 o'clock and the dentist's receptionist wrote down 2:00.  Since we couldn't stay until 2:00 because of my podiatrist appointment, we rescheduled for today.  Ah well. 

I got quite a bit of work done last night on my book.  I'm enjoying writing it.   I do wish I had a better keyboard here at the house.  This one I'm typing on now has a very hard to press space bar and makes my hand hurt when I type a lot.

I haven't, as yet, made changes in the kid's homeschool schedules. I am planning that for next week.  The homeschool lecture I went to a few weeks ago made me feel as if I needed to make some changes, but I haven't implemented them yet.  I need to figure out what to take out when I put other things in and with my horribly slow internet at home, quick internet at my mom's house, printer at home and no printer at my mom's house and no flash drive to carry things back and forth, it's been kind of difficult to pull it all together.  Add to that, the fact that I've been working quite a bit on my Cafepress store when I'm at mom's and the other fact that I'm kind of a scatterbrain and the other fact, that I've been very busy and somewhere in there you have my excuse as to why I haven't changed anything yet.                                                    

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