Saturday, October 02, 2010


Yes, it's that time.  The public school kids are going on fall break and I'm not mentioning it to my kids.  What they don't know won't hurt them.  Right?   We may take a short break and we may not..  I really hate to mess up our momentum.  Anyway, the schedule is working okay but we're not getting in everything every day and it seems like we are always rushing off to do something.  I like most of the things that we are running off to do, so  I need to figure out how to make sure the basics are covered before we go and that no one is using a freebie for something that is not optional ... and all that.  I also want to make sure the kids are getting time to work on their own projects.   It seems a little overwhelming when I begin, but I can usually come up with something that will work -- at least for a while until something changes and I need to tweak it again.  This year's schedule has been an experiment with the block scheduling and with me working in the mornings and out of the house but I think it's going to be okay.  We'll manage it.  We just need to tweak it a little.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I always look to your blog for insights. Let us know what you have decided to change. We are having a pretty good year so far.
