Sunday, October 03, 2010


We discussed the schedule a little bit today. The 2 younger kids like it fine just the way it is.  They like being done with math on Monday.  They are doing Life of Fred so they don't really mind math this year.  The oldest is doing both Algebra 2 with Teaching Textbooks and Life of Fred Geometry and doing a week's worth of math in both subjects on Monday is just too much for him.  I have some concerns about the chore distribution and I'm still not sure what to do about freebies.

Anyway, we are going to change oldest son's math to every day and do chore lists that are a bit more specific than what are doing now and that's all we're going to change for the time being.  Otherwise, the block schedule is mostly working. 

1 comment:

  1. Violet started Life of Fred Fractions, but has back tracked to Key to Measurement. She likes Fred, but her basic skills needed some refreshing. By doing perimeter and area she's getting some practice with addition and multiplication. I love Fred book!
