Monday, October 11, 2010

Manic Monday.

So far, it's been a crazy day today. All 5 of us had dentist appointments this morning but due to a lack of communication between my husband and me, I had scheduled the 2 younger kids for a 4H day camp today.  I had to get up and have them at the 4H office by 9, rush the 10 or so miles home, pick up the big boys and we went to the dentist.  We were in the dentist's office for almost 2 hours, for cleanings.  Good grief.  Then, it's back home then back  out again almost immediately to get to my mom's to work, 2 hours late.  Now I've got to hurry, hurry, rush, rush to try and get my work done before I pick the younger 2 up at 4H at 3:30.

This morning I found out that I have a cavity and a filling that need to be replaced and my oldest has to have his wisdom teeth surgically removed.


It's fall break this week for the public school kids and my kids did find out so we make take a couple of days.   We've got 2 4H camps this week and a field trip so we will be doing some schoolish things.  Wednesday and Thursday, we might be so tired, we just lie around like vegetables all day.


1 comment:

  1. Taking time just to be together is always refreshing. Fills the bucket, so to speak.
