Monday, October 11, 2010

I had

so many plans for what I was going to do today after I dropped off my oldest at his discussion group.  I was going to go to some of the stores we don't have in our small town like Hobby Lobby and Whole Foods.   However, the way things worked out, I had to pick the younger 2 up directly from 4H day camp and they were hot, exhausted and hungry, so we went to Taco Bell instead of all the other places I was going to go.  When they first got in the van and realized that we had a long drive ahead, they whined about it.  I told them to go to sleep and they said indignantly that they couldn't sleep in the van!  Five minutes later, I checked my rear view and they were both out like a light.  They aren't used to getting up at the homeschooler's crack of dawn (8:00 am).  :-) 

From what I hear, 4H camp was very, very cool.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a typical day here too! Sigh... I can't let home-school slack no matter how many people come up with things for me to do.
    I am reading your blog and loving it.
