Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A little bit.

Disappointing.  The sewing class, that is. My daughter made a bracelet and a purse size tissue cover.  In 4 hours.   I think probably we won't join the 4H sewing class that begins in January unless they do an advanced one.  We'll just continue to homeschool sewing.  What she knows now she's learned from her Dad and me and both grandmas and that seems to be working just fine.

The boys stayed home and did school after all.  I bounced around between work and the doctor's office, goodwill, the library and 4H all day long.  The good news about the doctor visit is that I got the cast off my foot (yay!) but I did get a steroid shot into my tendon.  Now it's kind of throbbing, but hopefully will feel much better in the near future.  


  1. Glad to read you got your cast off. Hope the shot helps...
    Best Wishes,

  2. Yay on the cast being off!

    I know what you mean about the outside classes. Sometimes they are just a miss. Violet has been learning to sew too. Luckily she got fairly good at hand sewing quickly. It is another thing (like science experiments) that make me say bad words.
