Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Books about homeschooling.

This is the one I am currently reading.  It is great.  I keep meaning to share some quotes but I have been too lazy to do all that extra typing outside of work where I type all day.  If you want to read some of their writing online, here's a link to their blog.  Homeschooling, A Family's Journey.

I haven't read this one yet, but it looks fascinating.  I'm thinking of asking my library to buy it.  This works well for me because our library seems to have a good-sized budget and I don't.  Also, books I probably only want to read once don't end up cluttering my house and other people get a chance to read them if the library buys them.  So it's a win-win-win.

A book that I have read that helped me when I was starting out.   Free Range Learning, How Homeschooling Changes Everything by Laura Grace Weldon.

A very enlightening book about our public schools.  (Schools on Trial by Nikhil Goyal)

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