Friday, October 01, 2010

Can you all believe it's already October?

I can't.  I seem to have issues overall with how quickly the time seems to pass.  I had a good day off yesterday, got a little housework done and got school done and then had a Mom's night out.  We had a great time, despite the fact that our waitress was really pretty rude.  The company of the other moms was, as always, good.  We enjoy getting out away from the kids and talking about things. 

Today, we get to see them again, as we have a short field trip/class this afternoon, which I will tell you all about later.  I'm trying to get work done in a hurry this morning so I won't have to come back after the class and work again.

1 comment:

  1. Time whizzes by. It is October and I like you only wanted to be away for a short time. I am glad of that now because all seven are grown and gone. Thank goodness for grandchildren!
