Tuesday, September 28, 2010

So many thoughts.

I went to a homeschool meeting tonight with a guest speaker,  Joyce Herzog.  We had a wonderful discussion about learning styles and education and now my head is so full of thoughts, I feel kind of overwhelmed.  Kind of like a food for thought buffet where I over-indulged, big time.  Now I just need to sort them all out and decide if what I learned tonight is going to change the way we homeschool.  I think it probably will.

In other news, I went to the doctor about my foot that's been bothering me since the state fair and it was diagnosed as tendonitis.  I got what the doctor's office called a "soft cast" which really looks like an ace bandage but feels different and I can't take it off or get it wet for 2 weeks.  My daughter calls it a tiny, invisible cast. 

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