Friday, July 02, 2010

Things to do today.

I'm working this morning, although I don't seem to be getting much accomplished.  I have tomorrow off and then I'll work Sunday, but then, after that, I have been approved to switch from Sundays to Saturdays after I-not-sure-how-many-years of working on Sundays!  I'm happy about it.  I think Saturday will be better for me.  Sunday is more of a family day for us and now both my husband and I will be off work on Sundays.  Much better.

Later today I will be taking a meal to a dear friend who had surgery yesterday.  I hope she's doing well.  I'm going to take my standard friend-in-need meal of a chicken pot pie.  Comfort food.    At first I thought that we wouldn't have time for a summer adventure today, but then I thought about the 'good deed' summer adventures.  We'll count this as one of those and I'll let the kids help.  My daughter usually assembles and bakes the pies anyway because she just likes to.  I may have her make a 'get well soon' card as well. 

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