Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Updates on a few things.

We have not really done any adventures this week.  The kids want a repeat of making homemade ice cream so I bought the stuff for that but we haven't made it yet.  We've been kind of busy and just haven't gotten to it.   I spent Monday working and then taking firstborn son to the doctor, which took hours.  They didn't have their regular staff there and a several temps were running the place so it was slow.  Yesterday, I worked then we spent hours driving around to different stores looking for the shoe orthotic that the doctor recommended to help my oldest walk better.  He's not exactly walking yet.  He is still using one crutch.  Yesterday, he walked a few steps without it, like maybe 10 or 15 and then last night he had to ice his foot again and take Tylenol.  It's going to be a while, I think.   Then today, I worked and I got started really late, then my brother called and he was going to be off this afternoon and asked if we wanted to do something, so I went back to Mom's and we played Bananagrams and UpWords and then the youngest 2 and I went to the pool and the grocery and my oldest son went to the movies with his uncle.   I say all this to explain that we've been busy.  :-) 

I still haven't even opened my Rainbow Resource catalog or even planned one thing about our fall schedule.   I'm really  just trying to enjoy the summer, spend time with my family, savor the moments, in this year of loss, celebrate what is going well and focus on the good things of life.

I'll plan later. 


  1. Sounds like a good kind of busy though... Well, with the exception of the whole doctor's visit thing. ;o)

  2. Yes, definitely a good busy - and the doctor's visit ended up with him being released and not having to go back for 3 months, so that's good too.
