Monday, June 14, 2010

Our first mini-adventure.

Okay, it really isn't an adventure exactly, but what we drew out of the jar today was to rent a movie from Redbox, so we got The Spy Next Door with Jackie Chan.  It was pretty cute.  It required no walking and only cost 1 dollar, so it was a good one for today.   We'll see what tomorrow brings us from the summer adventure list.   I've thought of at least one more thing we need to put in there:  Catching lightning bugs.  Everyone should do that at least once a summer.   I'm finally feeling like summer is here.  Not only did we get the list started, I spent 2 1/2 hours driving around in my not-air-conditioned van and now I am convinced that it's summertime!  I was fortunate to be able to come home, drink a long cold glass of iced tea and get in the pool.    

In other news, my youngest son has caught a cold.  How anyone could catch a cold when it is 96 degrees in the shade is beyond me, but he's done it. 

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