Sunday, June 13, 2010

Birthdays and other stuff.

Right now, I'm watching NCIS, listening to the kids in the other room laughing.  It was the youngest's birthday this weekend and he finally got to go shopping with his birthday money and he bought a DS and a game for it called Scribblenauts.  They are having a ball with it.  You can write or type anything in and it appears in the game.  We've put in a pig, a poodle, a great dane, a bunny, a sword, a dragon, a lion (he ate the pig), a ninja, a cookie (the ninja ate the cookie) and many other things.  I still have no idea what the point of the game is but it's fun.   My kids will all have birthdays soon and be 12, 14 and 18.  I cannot believe it.  I'm in denial.  How does the time pass so quickly? 

I'm going to try and start our summer adventure list tomorrow, after work.  I'll try and choose something that does not require walking since my oldest is still on crutches.  He just finished his 11th week of not being able to walk because of the ankle surgery.  I also better take out anything in the list that costs money, since the hospital bills, ambulance bills, doctor bills, anesthesiologist and surgeon bills and physical therapy bills are rolling in daily.  Joy. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on all the birthdays. I hope you find appropriate adventures - not so easy given the circumstances, but you seem very resourceful to me and I'm sure you'll come up with a great idea. (I had a good time catching up on your blog. Thanks. I really enjoy it. Keep blogging and keep us posted on your adventures.)
