Friday, June 11, 2010


I feel like I've not been able to really kick back and enjoy summer yet, but I didn't work yesterday and spent a large part of the day doing enjoyable things so I'm not sure why I feel that way.  I went to a movie (Shrek, which I enjoyed) and then out to eat with my cousins.   Despite that, I feel stressed and rushed.  I think I just want to get in the pool and relax or sit out in the sun while the kids are in the pool, things I haven't had time to do yet.  I've checked on them out there as I do other things.  Today's no exception, I'll be out and about today and then tomorrow too when oldest son is taking the ACT.   I'll be busy all day Sunday as well.  I'm kind of hopeful for Monday, but of course I'll have to work ... maybe that afternoon? 

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