Saturday, June 12, 2010

ACT and other stuff.

My oldest son has the ACT today which is why I'm up and about at 6:50 am on a Saturday.  Otherwise, I definitely would not be.  I'm nervous about it for some reason.  I hope he's not. I've told him not to worry about it but I would like him to make a decent score.  Then, after I drop him off I've got to take Freckles to the vet.  She has a horrible sore spot on her hiney.  Ah the joy of having pets.  They can't tell you when they hurt.  I feel kind of helpless when they get sick.  I really feel sorry for her and I should have taken her to the vet sooner, but she has kept slipping my mind, poor baby.  The first time my daughter told me about it, it was midnight, then the next day it slipped my mind until about midnight agan, then yesterday I called about it and today finally they can see her.  I feel awful.  I look awful too.  I got my hair cut a couple of days ago and it looks like it was cut and styled by Picasso, in a wind tunnel, in the dark, using a chainsaw.  It's pretty.

1 comment:

  1. I just laugh out loud sometimes when I read your blog! You have such a way with words....
    I am sure your son will do just fine with his test today.
    Hope the dog gets better also.
    Best Wishes,
