Saturday, May 01, 2010

Wow and an update.

I'm at the library posting this and I cannot believe the internet speed.  It's probably 1000 times faster, at least, than what we have at home.  Wow.  I could so get used to this.

Oldest son is doing okay.  He is still a little sore, but is in good spirits.  We really don't want to leave him at home alone though, so right now youngest son is staying with him (along with Dad who is asleep and could be awakened if necessary.)   Life goes on, thankfully, despite the crazy stressors we've had this year so far, we are surviving.   I'm going to get some things done here and then go to my mom's to cook her a gluten free pot of soup she can eat for a few days.  I'm trying to introduce her to the gluten free lifestyle in the hope that it will help her fibromyalgia as it has helped mine.  It's a good thing not to hurt all over all of the time.

Anyway, it's an uneventful day and I prefer it that way.

1 comment:

  1. What an ordeal! How scary! I'm so sorry I don't live down the street and couldn't be around to help out. I hope your fever is down soon and you are feeling better too. Hugs all around.
