Friday, April 30, 2010

To sum up.

My son was in the shower getting ready for physical therapy on Wednesday when youngest son yelled to ask him something and he didn't answer.  My husband heard this exchange and yelled louder for him.  He didn't answer and my husband said "if you don't answer I'm coming in!".  Again, there was no answer so my husband unlocked the door and found our son on the floor with blood around his face and vomit, a nightmare scene for any parent.  I had come into the living room at this point and my husband told me to call 911.  I did and then ran around panicking until they got here.  it seems like it takes forever but it was probably less than 15 minutes.  While they were here I did my lovely fall in the back yard.

They took him to the local hospital.  While there, a blood clotting test was abnormal and so they thought that he might have had something similar to a stroke. (!)  They kept us for 6 hours of so doing tests then sent him via ambulance to the children's hospital in Louisville where we spent another 5 or so hours in the ER there before being admitted for observation.   He had CAT scans, EKGs, echocardiograms, multiple examinations, x-rays of his chest and ankle (to make sure he hadn't re-injured it) and they found no further abnormalities.  The blood clotting test was only slightly abnormal and they said that could be from his forced inactivity after the ankle fracture.  After he was cleared by the cardiologist, he was sent home.  The whole ordeal was only a little over 24 hours, but it seemed much, much longer.  Now he has to follow up with his primary care physician in a week and continue the other medical care as directed by his ankle surgeon, physical therapy etc.

I was afraid for him to take a shower today, but he did it and had no problems, thank God.  Now we just need to rest, calm down, try to make up our sleep and rehydrate ourselves.  Both my son and I were without food or drink while in the second ER although the first ER did offer me a drink, but not him.  Finally, when we got to the room at 3:00 am or so, he got to eat, but I can't eat close to the time that I sleep and I chose trying to sleep over eating.  I attempted to sleep for a couple of hours, I think I might have slept about 1 hour and then I got up and walked downstairs to McDonals for coffee. 

I hope nothing like this ever happens again.  I did not enjoy the experience.

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