Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

We celebrated with my mom last night because both my brother and I have to work today, him during the day and me this evening.  So we went to mom's last night and cooked together, bacon, eggs, gluten free and regular biscuits, gravy, apple butter, jelly, juice and grits.  It was yum.  I'm feeling a bit under the weather.  The cold syndrome that I've had since last Sunday, the one where I only had a fever and lightheadedness, has progressed into a cough and feeling generally icky.  My foot doesn't hurt unless it gets touched, but my arm, where I had to get the tetanus shot is very, very, very sore.  Still, I hope to have a good day.  We'll see.  I haven't had my coffee yet and that affects my outlook greatly. 

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