Friday, May 07, 2010

A funny thing happened on the way to physical therapy.

Okay, I dare you to guess what I did while my son was at therapy today.   No idea?  Well, I'll tell you.  My daughter and I were going to go to the library so she could get on a computer, but we had to go have surgery instead.  Well, I had to have surgery.  My daughter stood in the hall and waited because she did not want to watch.  So here's how it happened.  

I was basically supervising my son coming down the back stairs out of the house on his crutches.  There's no railing and the first couple of times he attempted these stairs, he kind of went sideways, and once he fell.  So, I stand in front of him, holding out my arms in case he needs to lean on me a little bit.  Today, he came down without incident, but when I stepped backwards, I stepped on a stick with my right foot, which raised it up so that I hit it with my left foot, imbedding it in my foot.  I took the boy to therapy and went to my doctor's office.  It took 45 minutes for my doctor to get the 1/2 inch of wood out of my foot and involved a scalpel and stitches.  It feels fine now.  I don't know if the novocaine hasn't worn off yet, or if it's just not gonna hurt.  The doctor and the nurse said that I made their otherwise boring Friday much more interesting.


  1. Oh my goodness, never a dull moment at your house lately!

    Ouch! I hope it doesn't end up hurting. It certainly sounds painful.

  2. It sounds very painful. You guys have had your share over the past couple of months. Hope everything gets better.
