Thursday, April 22, 2010


Yesterday was my birthday and I don't want to even think how old I am now so we won't go there.  I got some wonderful cards, a necklace from my daughter and money.  Money is kind of a do-it-yourself birthday present.  I get it every year.  I'm not complaining.  I look forward to it.  The only problem is, that I am pretty bad at spending money on myself.  There are a lot of things I want and one thing I want most of all but won't buy for myself.  I really want someone to come in and clean my house.  Every year I promise myself I'll really do it this time and I never, ever do.  There are a couple of barriers to my doing this.  One is that I'd have to make the phone call.  I still have that phobia-ish-thingy - I'm not sure what to call it.  It's not that I am afraid to make phone calls, I don't get nervous or anything, I just put it off - for a very long time.  I have procrastinated phone calls for almost a month before, getting up and writing it at the top of my list every morning and then not doing it.  The second thing is that I'd feel that I had to pre-clean before the cleaners got here and I just don't know if I have the energy for that.   I guess that's it.  Only 2 reasons I don't buy myself what I want for my birthday. 


I know that I'm weird.


  1. Happy Belated Birthday!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday!!!!!!
    Best Wishes,

  3. Happy Birthday!!!!

    How about buying yourself a book or a DVD? Something no one else would really like.

  4. You should do the housecleaning thing!!! So worth it. I have just found the joys of it and wish it could be a regular thing. Happy Birthday and thanks for bloggin!

    http://georgeandannajones.blogspot. com
