Thursday, April 22, 2010

The walk.

My daughter and I went for a walk today.  Apparently, the other day, in the van, I promised her that I would take her on a 3 mile hike.  Apparently, also, I didn't say "maybe" or "if my joints aren't hurting".  I can't believe I was so thoughtless.  So today, we had a lesson in keeping your word even if you are old and can't remember.  Thankfully, she let me out of the "3 mile" thing and we only walked a little bit.   I'm really not sure why my joints are giving me so much trouble, if it were only my knees and ankles, I'd assume that they are tired of carrying around the 'fat' part of the fatcat, but it's my elbows and shoulders too and I can assure you that I have not been walking on my hands.  Now we're back and she's got to finish school and I'm going to finish up making my birthday cake.

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