Saturday, April 17, 2010

What I wish we did.

Okay,  I listed what we do in our school.  Now I'm going to talk about what I wish we did more of and less of -- and there are quite a few because our family is far from perfect.  I wish we would get up earlier, go to bed earlier and be a bit better at getting places on time. I wish we kept our home/school neater and less cluttered.  I wish we made more time for fun outings.  The kids and I like to just go walking around our hometown and look at the trees, houses and historic things, but we hardly ever do it, maybe twice a year?  I wish we'd spend more time on notebooking.  We do it sometimes, but I think it's such a cool thing, I wish we did it all the time.  I wish we did more exciting science projects.  I wish we had other people over to our house more but (see above about the neater/less cluttered thingy which has become more of an issue this year since we don't have to clean for foster care anymore and I am having difficulty with my attitude!).  I wish we had more kids.  Having kids to me was like winning the lottery and we won big 3 times, but I'm greedy.   I wish we all did less procrastinating and less whining.  I wish we were better about sitting down to family meals at the dining table.  I wish we did more reaching out to other people.  I'm reading a book about how every family can make a difference, which is cool.   I think I may print this post out to remind myself of what I want to do so on the days I'm thinking of what to do, I can consult this list.


  1. I just found your blog for the first time, and just read this post. And, I have to admit, those are all the same things I say about me too! I've got a few others, and some of your wishes I wish less than others, but I couldn't believe when I read it, how much it sounds like the same things I say! Maybe we can both make some of these wishes come true! Good luck!

  2. That's why I love your blog, You say it like it is....
    I think we ALL have things we wish we did better or did more often but so few blogs mention it.
    Just know you are not alone.
    Best Wishes,

  3. Anonymous10:09 PM

    I agree that we all feel that way. Most of what on your wish list is what I wish every night before I fall asleep. Isn't it something that we all think alike!! You are a wonderful mom and daughter and friend. You are doing a wonderful job. I am so sorry that the foster care fell through. Remember that the Lord has something else planned for you!! I think you are such an inspiration. I always come to your blog when I am feeling like I'm doing a terrible job and your posts always give me new ideas!!
