Monday, April 19, 2010

Slowly getting a few things done.

I got up this morning and printed out my new week's list, then did a few things around the house, then when I came back to start on my list, I realized I had done almost everything on it.  That's good.  I'm trying to establish routines which seems to be very difficult for me, so I'm glad that these things are starting to become routine.  I did them without thinking.  Maybe at some point exercising will be routine?  I guess it's possible.

I even made a couple of phone calls.  If you've been reading this blog for any amount of time, you know I hate making phone calls.  I didn't even think about it this morning, just picked up the phone and did it.  Maybe I'm getting over that problem too? 

Over the weekend, we did some unschooly stuff, mainly watching "Engineering an Empire" which seems to give a lot of history in a way that my boys especially enjoy watching.   I'm thinking maybe we can count that as a couple of hours of school time.  Hey, at this point, we have got to take what we can get!

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