Friday, April 02, 2010

Surgery over.

My son got through the surgery okay.  When we first got back in the preoperative prep room, I explained about how his veins are very difficult to find and the last time he had surgery, they had to stick him 5 times and finally an anesthesiologist had to get the IV in.  Add to his difficult vein anatomy, his fear of needles (something he probably picked up in his 4 day NICU stay after birth) and getting an IV is a very traumatic thing for him.  Fortunately, the nurse listened and did not attempt to do the IV but went straight to the anesthesiologist and asked him to do it.  He got it on the first attempt.  My son was very brave and I was proud.

Then he went to surgery.  He was in there for a long time, I think it was about 2 hours, maybe just an hour and a half.   Finally they told me he was out of surgery but not really awake and then maybe half an hour later, I got to go back and see him.  When he was sufficiently awake, dressed and checked out, we managed to get him in the van and drive him home.  As we stopped in our driveway, my coffee cup (a travel mug, which was closed both ways that it closes) turned over and dumped out into my purse.  A lot of coffee.  My new purse is ruined.  That, coupled with the fact that I had had 3 hours of sleep, drove an hour, waited 6 hours in a waiting room all by myself, drove an hour home and knew I still had to make another trip to the pharmacy, put in me in a bad mood. 

Then when we got into the house, I discovered that my husband and 2 other kids had dismantled our foster care crib.  That really hit me hard emotionally.  It's been a difficult emotional week anyway and that did not help.   I've been trying not to think about that subject at all.  I know probably none of my readers understand me wanting to have more kids around at my advanced age, but I always felt called to adoption and then our China adoption fell through 3 years ago and then this.  The death of a dream is always hard and I've had this particular dream since I was 12.  I know that I really need to focus on what I have rather than what I can't have and I am trying to do that but I am not doing very well.

Anyway, on the way home from the surgery, my son's pain pills kicked in and he perked up enough to eat some kind of a bacon burger deluxe from Wendy's.  Then after a few minutes, his thought processes started to work and he said "I don't have to do school today do I?"   No.  And then the next question was "Do I get unlimited screen time?"  Yes. 

I'm so glad that it's over now and I hope/pray the healing goes extremely well.


  1. Prayers for a speedy recovery for your son! I'm glad it went well and wasn't to stressing on him.
    That's too bad your coffee fell over in your pocketbook.... I know how that is, my cat decided to use mine as a cat box - Yikes!
    Best Wishes for a wonderful Easter.

  2. Eeewww! That's worse! That puts things in perspective, doesn't it? LoL.

  3. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I am glad that the nurse listened to you with the IV. Now you get to get a new purse. That sounds like something that would happen to me. I'm so sorry to hear about the foster care. I totally understand where you are coming from. Prayers to you my dear friend.
