Wednesday, March 31, 2010

W-E-D-N-E-S-D-A-Y an ACRONYM. (or not.)

W - We're going to physical therapy today to see if my son can be taught to walk with crutches. After seeing him on them the first few days after he broke his ankle, I have my doubts, but we'll see. The therapist, on the phone, said "It will only take about 15 minutes" but she hasn't met this kid yet. :-P

E - Eating is interesting when you're trying to go gluten free. I think I may have accidentally cross contaminated my pecan pie (I'm practicing for Easter!) because my daughter was making a peach cobbler at the same time and I may have used the same measuring cup or something without thinking. She tries to watch me, but she's only one person! So anyway, yesterday afternoon I started feeling bad, aching all over and this morning I woke with some digestive symptoms. I'll spare you all the details.

D- Okay, I don't have anything for D.

I was going to do an acronym, but I'm stumped by the 2 D's in Wednesday. Funny, since my name, my husband's name and all 3 of my kids start with D and our homeschool is named 3-D Academy. I don't use their real names on this blog though, so that leaves me with no D words for Wednesday.

I did have one for "A" though. Assessments. I'm going to use the TAKS tests from 2009 to test my kids this year. (Blogger won't let me make that a link for some reason). Every couple of years I do this and it helps me know what the kids need to work on.

Tomorrow is April fools day and I'm trying to think of some mild pranks to play on the kids. I don't like to do anything remotely harmful. One year I put green food coloring in the milk. One year I gave them fake school work from Family Fun. I'm going to check their web site out and see if they have anything fun this year.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about education, what I'd like to be doing in our school and what we actually do. I'll try to post on all that when I get my thoughts more organized. Maybe in an acronym. Or maybe not. :-P

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Good luck on your son's surgery tomorrow. He'll be able to have everyone wait on him for Easter....I know that Dylan didn't have the best Christmas with his surgery. It is always something.
    take care!!
