Monday, April 26, 2010

Rainy Monday.

It's another rainy day.  I think 4 in a row.  It's good for my newly planted tomato plants though, I guess, although I personally would like to see the sun.  We saw a very cool rainbow on the way out to eat Saturday.  We could see the whole thing, both ends and it seemed like we were under it.  Today I got up at a reasonable hour and felt all right and got my list completely done really early.  It's a nice feeling.  We do have a PT appointment later today and probably I could use that as an excuse but since we have PT 3 times a week now, I think that's a bit much.  There really is no reason I can't do it when I only have to drive to the nearest town and it's only an hour long.  When I have to take someone to Louisville and I end up being gone for 4 hours or so, that's a little different.  I'll use that as an excuse!

I've had some trouble with feeling sad this weekend and I guess the rain doesn't help, but I'm thinking of spending my birthday money today and maybe that will help my mood?  Meanwhile, the kids have to do school today because I'm done.  My youngest son is afraid that I will get it done every single day until schools out! 

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