Sunday, April 25, 2010

Adventure night.

Last night, we had 2 gift cards that were going to expire and we needed to use them.  One was to The Cheesecake Factory and the other was to a Japanese restaurant.  So the 4 of us who can walk (big boy chose not to go, on crutches, with it pouring down rain), set out.  We had a really good time.  The Japanese restaurant was one of those where they cook your meal right in front of you and the chef juggles and puts on a show.  The kids really liked it.  They give you so much food, though, it's crazy.  The 4 of us split 2 meals and still couldn't eat all of it.  Then we were so stuffed, we had to get our cheesecake order to go.  It's in the fridge right now, 4 regular with strawberries and 1 godiva. 


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