Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Up and Down.

I've got a doctor's appointment today for myself for a change, just a check, no big deal.  I'm not really thrilled about all that time alone in the car, because I frequently start thinking sad thoughts and cry in the car, but I need to go, so I'm going.  I'll try to take a happy music CD because they seem to be playing a ton of sad songs on the radio lately.  That said, I actually think I'm doing okay.  Grief is a process and some days it's just more difficult than others and I don't expect that I'll just be 'over it' in 6 weeks.   I think I may be ready to get back into the homeschooling thing here.  My husband has been pretty much doing everything in the homeschool department and kept us from getting weeks and weeks behind. (Thankfully!) However, he's not been doing the biology or the grammar so I need to pick those up and add them back into to what they've been doing.  

I've had this idea for something I'd like to do with the kids this summer and I've been thinking about that.  I'd like to do some kind of combination of summer camp, a lock in, a sleepover or campout, etc. where we get a lot of enrichment activities done with the kids in a short amount of time.  The point of this would be that the kids would have a good time, learn a lot in a short time, spend time with their friends and it would hopefully be pretty inexpensive and also I'd get to enjoy it with them.  They're growing up way too fast (and yes, I am still sad about the foster care thingy and the thought of no more kids in our house until I have grandkids to stay all night) and to quote my Dad "I don't want to miss any of it."  (Talk about crying, there I go again, darn it!)

Anyway, I've also been thinking about spring cleaning and I think I may be ready to actually start on it.  Despite the downer tone of this post, I am actually feeling a little bit motivated again. 


It's a process.

1 comment:

  1. You have wonderful insights and ideas. I am amazed and humbled by them. You are being creative and thinking ahead. I understand that sometimes the energy does not match the intention, but you are encouraging and always loving your family.
