Monday, March 15, 2010

Feels like a Monday.

We had the MRI of the ankle today at 8:30 a.m. which, after working until midnight last night, seemed entirely too early, especially with the time change this weekend.  We got it done, but I felt like going to sleep in the waiting room.  Those scans really take a long time.  I had no idea.  He was in the scanner for about 40 minutes I think, anyway at least half an hour.  I hope this one is clear and the doctor can see what he needs to see. 

Anyway, I guess we're doing school today.  I have zero energy, but that doesn't mean the kids can't do their independent work and their math with their Dad, right?  They're so lucky that way. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Concerning the books -- I bought them because a) they were 70 cents each. b) not sure I'm using them or not, but if I do, they will just be on shelves as decoration. c) if you've read my blog for any amount of time, you know we have hundreds of books for him, on display everywhere in his spaces. d) because I want to. :)
