Friday, February 12, 2010

A pretty good day/dreaming.

We had a Valentine party with the homeschool group, which consists of going to a pizza restaurant. It was fun. It was really good to get to see everyone again, for a fun occasion. Later, we dropped my oldest son off this evening for a retreat where he'll be all weekend. I think it might be me who needs a retreat, well, actually, maybe we all do. My dream would be that we would go on a lovely vacation, rest, relax and rewind and come home to find that our house had been thoroughly cleaned and organized (maybe remodeled?) by a team of professionals sworn to secrecy about how messy it was. I have not been able to cope with the housework lately. At all. I have been doing absolutely the bare minimum, the bare minimum of housework, work and school. We only got in 2 days this week of school and basically that was Monday and about a third of a day on Tuesday, Wednesday and includes counting the Valentine party today. I guess 2 days is progress, but at this rate, we'll still be schooling in August when it's time to start again ...

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been posting much or commenting much, but I have been reading your blog and thinking about you. Hope you are doing okay.

