Monday, January 04, 2010

Today's the day.

The first day of school for 2010, here in our home school.  Nobody's all that enthusiastic.  My daughter asked that we start school easily since we've been off so long.  (I think she means "no math"!) and I kind of agree with her.  I do want to get started, I just don't want to have to do too much nor do I want to listen to much whining.  I think I'll write up some "just for this week" schedules that involve school, a little bit more each day and decluttering, which I always feel is essential this time of year, after the influx of Christmas presents.  It's time for a new start after all.  I'm not making any specific New Year's resolutions unless you count filling up those 12 boxes of excess stuff and the weight loss goals I already have in place.  I guess I'd better get started? 

I really don't want to.  I've been SO lazy since Christmas!


  1. I totally understand. What is it with no one wanting to do math. lol

  2. Yesterday was also a bit rough. The girls did no school work for two weeks. Getting back into the rhythm was hard.
