Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!

I feel good about the New Year.  We had a great New Year's party last night and now I'm working on the new schedules, at least in my head.  I'm going to put my youngest into the Sequential Spelling curriculum that I've been using for my daughter.  It's helped her spelling quite a bit.   I'm still shopping for math and have had some great recommendations so I may be able to work that out.  We'll go back to the biology book that we started at the beginning of the year.  We got sidetracked with that other science book for a while.  The school plans are still kind of fuzzy and out of focus, but it feels like it is coming together and we'll be ready to start on Monday.

Of course I also have the compulsion to clean and organize the house.   I always have it this time of year.  Hopefully this will be the year that I actually accomplish the organizing part.  It seems like we get the cleaning part, but we just put things back where they are and don't re-organize, which we really need to do. Last year at this time, I was working that other job and then working 2 jobs for several months so last year I had an excuse.  This year I really don't.  Although, I'm really creative, so I'll probably come up with a good one very soon.  ;-)

I know I go on and on about this, but I'm so glad that I have started this gluten free diet.  I feel better than I have in years.  Sometimes its frustrating trying to find something to eat, but I'm getting better at it.   The symptoms that are better are mainly the fatigue, the muscle pain and most of the digestive issues.  I also have fewer headaches and I think I'm not as crabby.  (but to verify this, you should ask my husband and kids!)

I haven't started looking for a new job yet.  I don't know what I want to do.  Really I'd like to get into another field altogether so I need to carefully consider what to do before making any rash choices. 

All in all, I'm encouraged when I think about the New Year.  As much as I love the holidays, I'm glad they're over for now and I feel ready to get back to normal.

I feel blessed.

Happy New Year to everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I am starting a new food plan tomorrow so your comments on the gluten-free plan are encouraging because you are continuing to see progress. Thanks for sharing and good job of sticking with it.
