Sunday, January 17, 2010

This, that and the other thing.

I have been meaning to write a blog post all weekend, but haven't. It seems like it has sort of been a busy weekend, but it hasn't really. I've been working off and on and doing a few errands. We missed church because I overslept and then when I did get up, I didn't feel very good. I perked up somewhat later on and went to my mom and dad's, did a bit of grocery shopping for them and for us and dropped my son off at youth group and now I'm working some more. My email is locked up again. Someone, probably a girl I work with, has sent me a ton of photos and my internet connection is just not fast enough for that, so it's locked up. I've been trying unsuccessfully all day to go to the AT&T site and delete that email so I can get the ones that are stuck behind it, so if you've emailed me today or yesterday and I haven't answered, this is why. Hopefully my husband will be able to straighten it out.

I hope that tomorrow I'll feel better, be less grouchy and we'll have a pleasant but uneventful school day - this is a continuing dream of mine. Tuesday, we've got to go back and see the orthopedist to see what the plan will be for my oldest son's ankle. I'm hoping/praying that will be fine and he won't need surgery for that. If you join me in my prayers, please pray my mom's back gets better. She's having a lot of pain with it again.

One funny thing that has happened lately: My youngest son was asleep in my bed and I climbed in under the covers with him. He immediately started trying, while sleeping, to put his cold feet on me. I was already cold, so I said for him to keep his feet away from me. He said "It's not doing any good anyway, because you're purple." It's funny what people say when they're asleep!

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling! Some days things just do not go right! I'll pray for your son's ankle and your mom's back. Pain is sooo ? counterproductive? I suffer from restless legs syndrome - its not really painful, just sooo irritating and it really curbs my productivity.
    Remember if Jesus still does miracles, curing people - He is still there.
