Friday, January 15, 2010


We've been squeezing some school work in when we can, here and there this week.  I'm not sure how I'm going to add up the days, now that the week is over.  Between errands, doctor's appointments and CAT scans, it's been kind of hit and miss with the school work.  We made it to the library yesterday after not having gone for quite some time and I had a lovely browse through the non-fiction section.  Unfortunately, it was teen game night and we had to deal with having some obscenities yelled over our heads as we walked in.  It makes me glad I'm homeschooling, but now I feel like maybe I should sit the younger 2 kids down and go over what those things meant?  Should I? 

We've got a fun day planned today and I'm looking forward to it, going out to lunch and then roller skating and seeing friends.  Always good.

1 comment:

  1. Did they ask about those naughty words? If not don't tell. Unless it is an opportunity for a sex ed or reproductive lesson... then maybe?
