Thursday, January 07, 2010


We've finally got the snow my younger kids have been longing for. It's not much, about an inch so far, but they're out playing in it. I'm going to let them have the day off school because snow is such a rare event here, maybe once or twice a year.

I'm sitting inside drinking my new favorite, spiced tea. My cousin gave me some home-made mix for Christmas and now it's my new favorite warm drink, well, after coffee of course, which is not so much a drink but an addiction.

Speaking of addictions, I haven't been reading lately. Unusual for me, I know, but I got an update to the Sims2 for Christmas and I've been playing that instead of reading. I feel guiltier about playing a video game than I do about reading or watching TV. Isn't that weird? It's kind of the electronic equivalent of Barbie dolls! I know myself well enough to know that the facination with the new stuff pack will wear off pretty quickly and I'll be back to normal again.

I have a new math plan, it's called Math Mondays. Since my husband is around pretty much all day on Mondays, I figure he can do math with the younger kids all day that day and maybe I won't have to do it at all? Doesn't that sound like a really good idea?

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