Friday, January 08, 2010

Please, please, please?!

I made a new recipe last weekend called Salsa Chicken. I was looking for something to do with cream of mushroom soup because that's the only cream soup I can find without gluten in it and I found it on an internet search. To say the kids loved it would be an understatement. All I've been hearing all week is 'will you please make salsa chicken again?" I made it again one day this week, Wednesday I think, and the wonderful smell of it in the crock pot kept my husband awake. So the kids had the idea that if I got up early and started cooking it, it could be ready for them to eat for lunch and maybe it wouldn't bother their Dad since maybe he wouldn't go to bed that early (night shift!) Today I got up and there was a note on my coffee pot that said "Salsa Chickhen?" What could I do? I made it. Now it's cooking very slowly and about every 5 minutes I hear "How much longer?" Here it is. Basically you put a cup of salsa, a can of cream of mushroom soup (Progresso is gluten free) a package of taco seasoning and 4 chicken breasts in the crock pot. When it's done, you add sour cream. We also added cheese. Then we ate it with chips or tortillas, as part of a salad or whatever. It's yummy.


  1. Thanks, thanks thanks! haha I had all the ingredients on hand so I made the recipe for our dinner tonight. I used salsa verde and cream of chicken soup (homemade from Recipe Zaar) and I served it over brown rice. Our stomachs thank you! I'll certainly make it again.

  2. Playing catch up here on your blog since the holidays have been so busy. If you have a minute...please tell me about your Biology & math (I know you said you were shopping for math).We are getting ready to start back on Monday & 'I' have NO motivation whatsoever!! :P~~~~~~

  3. Grrr....I posted on here last night, but it seems to have disappeared. Oh curious about what Biology y'all are doing & please, please share about your math. We're starting back tomorrow & 'I'm' so NOT in the mood for this!!! Pray that I get more into here soon!
